AIME [ORG] workshop at Montreal - Saturday 22 March 2014 - Scope
The LOG research group (Language Organization Governance) in the Department of Communications at the Université de Montréal, along with Bruno Latour and his team, is organizing a reflection workshop on the mode of existence ORG (organization) on Saturday 22 March in Montréal. Focusing on chapter 14 of Bruno Latour’s latest book An Inquiry into the Modes of Existence. An Anthropology of the Moderns, this workshop will be an opportunity to test out, provide evidence for as well as challenge some of the ideas that will be put forward on the day. It will also be a particularly good opportunity to not only analyze concrete examples of organizational situations with the aim of bringing out potential controversies and making certain propositions more complex but to illustrate Bruno Latour’s propositions regarding this mode of existence and discourse.
Beyond this putting ORG to the test, this workshop will also offer participants the possibility to explore – theoretically and empirically – crossings with other modes such as [POL], [REL], [DRO], [REP], [MET], [ATT] and [HAB]. Constantly in dialogue with the works and writing of Bruno Latour, the members of the LOG research group have been exploring for the past twenty years an approach defined as being constitutive of interactions, linked to, among others, the pragmatism of Charles Sanders Peirce, John Langshaw Austin’s theory of speech acts and Julien Algirdas Julien Greimas’s semiotics. As specialists in the study of exchanges, they will be attempting to locate the effects of dislocation by unfolding/explaining each of the beings that place themselves on stage and that, particularly when it comes to speaking “organizationally”, play the ventriloquist.
In the participants in this workshop will be:
LOG team members
Nicolas Bencherki, PhD (U. of Albany, SUNY)
Chantal Benoit-Barné (U. de Montréal)
Boris Brummans, PhD (U. de Montréal)
Mathieu Chaput (U. de Montréal)
François Cooren, PhD (U. de Montréal)
Thomas Martine, PhD (U. de Montréal)
Kirstie McAllum, PhD (U. de Montréal)
Daniel Robichaud, PhD (U. de Montréal)
Consuelo Vasquez, PhD (U. de Québec à Montréal)
AIME team members
Pierre-Laurent Boulanger
Bruno Latour
Christophe Leclercq
Patrice Maniglier