AIME's project is moving to one of its (provisional) conclusion
From the 21st to the 25th of July we (AIME team with mediators and some privileged rewriters!) will sketch all the changes, additions, transformations and novelties that have been accumulated over the three years of the project (well in fact one year for the English and two for the French). At the end, we will have a short "spec book" that will summarize the most important points of agreements and disagreements. Then on the 28th and 29th we will deliver this "spec book" to a group of people (a sort of "authority") that will evaluate, allocate, criticize, dismantle and relaunch the negotiation of the whole project (this event is public - see the blog post if you wish to attend). Later, we will publish a collective book completely different from the provisional report.
L'Équipe AIME