[POL] Workshop on political enunciation, 23 May 2014, Paris - Schedule
IME workshop on Political Enunciations
Thursday 23 May (10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.), Érignac lecture theatre at Sciences Po, 13 rue de l’Université, 75007, Paris
Dear fellow inquirers on the IME project,
The sixth workshop in the IME project will take place on the 23rd of May, 10 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Sciences Po in the Érignac lecture theatre.
We will be dealing with the theme of how the relevant actors recognize political enunciations. As you would have noticed in the chapter dedicated to POL, we feel that it is important to make a distinction between talking about politics (a theme belonging to the institution as defined by the political sciences) and talking politically. This adverb indicates a path relatively uncleared by doctrine but one that we believe these actors detect at first glance. This is what we wish to prove or disprove since this will determine whether or not the question of the truths belonging to political beings (POL) needs be taken up again.
To accomplish this, we have devised the following procedure: we would like participants to come with two different examples, both positive and negative, of an injunction, that from their perspective, they find mobilizing or immobilizing. We would prefer that participants choose an injunction that runs counter to their usual political leanings (on the other side of the political fence as it were). They can be expressed in any medium: a tract, an editorial, a video or sound clip etc.,
To help us with finding the felicity conditions in the texts that we will be bringing in, we have asked Jean-Louis Missika, an assistant-mayor in Paris and sociologist specializing in the media, Denis Bertrand, a semiotician who has worked on a number of articles with Missika, and last but not least, Yves Citton, a philosopher and specialist in the humanities and politics. They will be sorting through our examples and helping us find a shared analytical lens.
As with the other workshops, our discussions will be recorded and will be centred around the documents that we will have brought in. For this reason, it is vital to come on the day with a document. (Please send your document to contact[at]modesofexistence[dot]org in order to pre-register. If the document needs to be projected, please send it to us by 19 May at the very latest, so as to help us choose those that we will be sending out.
Introduction Bruno Latour commenting the article « Une révolte d'avant-garde ».
Jean-Louis Missika, assistant-mayor in Paris and sociologist
Participants presenting two different examples, both positive and negative, of an injunction, that from their perspective, they find mobilizing or immobilizing
Denis Bertrand, semiotician
Yves Citton, philosopher
Participants :
Jean-Louis Missika, Yves Citton, Denis Bertrand, Bruno Latour, Christophe Leclercq, Valérie Pihet, Frank Leibovici, Milad Doueihi, Aline Wiame, Nicolas Prignot, Armin Linke, Sarina Basta, Ralph Mahfoud, Javiera Tejerina, Nil Ding, Ruben Salvador Torres, Laure Jaumouillé, Romain Di Vozzo, Anna Recalde Miranda, Lucie Alexis, Carole Prevoteau, Cécile Dupin, Nancy Ottaviano, Sébastien Bertaud, Fanny Douarche, Thierry Boutonnier, Grégoire Lorieux, Francois Tariq Sardi, Marianne Cornil, Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou, Gérard Pastorelli, Jean-Louis Pomian, Aliocha Imhoff, Kantura Quiros, Pierre-Laurent Boulanger, Dominique Boullier, Philippe Pignarre, Hélène Mialet, Higgins, Anne Henault.
Updates: See the report here
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) as part of the 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC Grant ‘IDEAS’ 2010 n° 269567.