Atelier [FIC], 10-14 juin, Weimar - Programme
Atelier « [FIC]/fiction », 10-14 juin 2013, à l’IKKM, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, co-organisé par Bruno Latour (Sciences Po) et Antoine Hennion (CSI, MINES-ParisTech), en partenariat avec l'IKKM. Les trois premiers jours se sont déroulés en workshop fermé avant d'ouvrir, les deux derniers jours, aux chercheurs de l'IKKM ou extérieurs à l'institution. Une conférence de Bruno Latour et d'Antoine Hennion, intitulée “L'ange de l'oeuvre. Etienne Souriau, from Aesthetics to an Ontology of Uncertain Beings”, est ouverte au public le mercredi 12 juin.
Tobias Wootton, Armin Linke, Lisa Bergmann, Simon Ripoll-Hurier, Sylvain Gouraud, Antoine Demarest, Jean-Michel Billard (aka Frodon), Sabine Chalvon-Demersay, Bruno Latour, Christophe Leclercq, Alexandre Monnin, Brice Laurent, Guillaume Yon, Rémi Éliçabe, Anne-Sophie Haeringer, Aubane Fontaine, Thibaud Zuppinger, Sara Strandvad
Programme (en anglais) de l'atelier [FIC] à l'IKKM, Weimar, les 10-14 juin 2013
10:00- 13:00, IKKM, Library Lounge, Steubenst. 6 : Workshop [FIC] (closed workshop)
Bruno Latour - Introduction : objective of the overall workshop and schedule (objective for the day : Defining the envelop of the Beings of Fiction)
Sabine Chalvon-Demersay - Television Series' Heroes
13:00 - 14:30 : Break
14:30- 18:00, IKKM, Library Lounge, Steubenst. 6 : Workshop [FIC] (closed workshop)
Anne-Sophie Haeringer - Document : « Labo » de la Maison du conte (Chevilly-Larue)
Lisa Bergmann - Video: 'Ritual' (Lisa Bergmann and Alina Schmuch) [work in progress]
Brice Laurent - Document : Décret n° 2012-232 du 17 février 2012 relatif à la déclaration annuelle des substances à l'état nanoparticulaire pris en application de l'article L. 523-4 du code de l'environnement ("Order #2012-232 of Feburary 17th, 2012 regarding the annual reporting of Nanoparticulate Substances required by Article L. 532-4 of the Environmental Code." )
10:00- 13:00, IKKM, Library Lounge, Steubenst. 6 : Workshop [FIC] (closed workshop)
Bruno Latour introduction : Workshop objectives and schedule (objective for the day : experience (Bruno will stop the discussion at specific moments), Self analysis (more engagement among participants than in Monday's discussion), multiplicity of the the art form (dance, storytelling, photo, cinema)
Sylvain Gouraud - Shaping Sharing Agriculture (Performance, 2013)
Simon Ripoll-Hurrier - Video work : Dreamland (in French with English subtitles)
Discussion following the screening
Antoine Demarest - Video work: Correction(s), 2013
13:00 - 14:30 : Break
14:30-18:00 : IKKM, Library Lounge, Steubenst. 6 : Workshop [FIC] (closed workshop)
Armin Linke - Exercice: commenting his own work (photographs from his project Il corpo dell Stato)
Sarah Strandvad - Evaluating Creative Potential: Admission Tests at the Danish Design School
Tobias Wootton - Presentation of Work
20:00 : Screening of Olivier Assayas : Demonlover, 2002, 129mn (open to IKKM researchers)
IKKM, Salon of the Palais Dürckheim, Cranachtr. 47
10:00- 13:00, IKKM, Library Lounge, Steubenst. 6 : Workshop [FIC] (closed workshop)
Bruno Latour Introduction
Discussion of the movie screened the previous day
Aubane Fontaine - Document from her phd research "The Emergence of a New Category of Comorbidity between Cannabis Use and Schizophrenia : From situation Analysis to Discourse Analysis".
13:00 - 14:30 : Break
14:30 - 18:00 : IKKM, Library Lounge, Steubenst. 6 : Workshop [FIC] (closed workshop)
Rémy Eliçabe - "To Speak Well about wild music shows (Lyon - 2005-2013)
Thibaut Zuppinger - Document (photos by Hortense Soichet)
19:00 : Bruno Latour & Antoine Hennion “L'ange de l'oeuvre. Etienne Souriau, from Aesthetics to an Ontology of Uncertain Beings”
10:00- 13:00, IKKM, Salon of the Palais Dürckheim, Cranachtr. 47 : : Workshop [FIC] (open workshop)
Bruno Latour Introduction
Bruno Latour on [FIC·REF]
Guillaume Yon
Alexandre Monnin
The workshop participants will share documents and experiences to be discussed in order to reformulate the mode of existence [FIC] (for Fiction) and question the presence of 'beings of fiction' in different fields.
13:00 - 14:30 : Break
14:30 - 18:15 :
Exercice proposed by Bruno Latour and Sylvain Gouraud on nitrogen
Screening of Armin Linke’s Anthropocene Observatory (work in progress)
More information
10:00 - 13:00, IKKM, Salon of the Palais Dürckheim, Cranachtr. 47 : : Workshop [FIC] (open workshop)
Open Questions & Answers on the AIME project
Exercise with the audience : rewriting of the chapter [FIC]