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Workshop [LAW] - Monday 28 April 2014, Paris - Schedule

28 April 2014
filed under: events

Organized by Bruno Latour and Kyle McGee

Our aim is to collect documents and arguments capable of improving the account of law that is put forward in the rewritten Inquiry, as well as to better appreciate law as a unique mode of existence and veridiction. To that end, the participants are encouraged to come prepared to contribute material that may inform our collective experiment in re-evaluating the means (and the ends) of law.

Expected Schedule:

  • First, we will consider a series of crossings involving the law mode, relying of various documents chosen to clearly demonstrate and, through discussion and analysis, perhaps to sharpen the contrast between different modes;

  • Then, we will branch out into more exploratory territory, with Kyle McGee developing a few claims made in his book;

  • Finally, we will have a group discussion and presentation by any interested attendees of arguments or documents that may further illumine the value of [LAW], including any material that may complicate or throw into question Latour's studies of law or Kyle's development of those studies, in the spirit of improving the account of [LAW] that will appear in the rewritten Inquiry.


Kyle McGee, Lawyer
Bruno Latour, Sciences Po
Serge Gutwirth, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Niels Van Dijk, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Aurélien Bouayad, Sciences Po
Pierre-Yves Condé, Center for Public Law, Bruxelles
Flora di Donato, University of Neuchâtel
Cédric Moreau-de-Bellaing, École Normale Supérieure, Paris.
Gustav Kalm, Masters candidate at Sciences Po Law School

Team Members and Audience:
Bruno Latour, Christophe Leclercq, Pierre-Laurent Boulanger, Pierre Jullian de la Fuente, Clémence Coursimault, Robin de Mourat, Aurélien Bouayad, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro


Sciences Po Paris
13 rue de l’Université 75007 (Salle du Conseil)
Monday 28 April 2014 (10:00-18:00)

Closed workshop
Limited seats available for the audience (please write us at

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