14 September 2016, 17:00 - 19:00 University of Cambridge Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) SG1 & SG2, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge September 14 sees the launch of a major ...
14 September 2016, 17:00 - 19:00 University of Cambridge Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) SG1 & SG2, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge September 14 sees the launch of a major ...
[updated: link to the RM! live wall frequently updated and displayed within the exhibition space http://medialab.github.io/RM-livewall/] Reset Modernity! is an extended, on-going, field experiment, composed of 6 procedures and many different kind of works (art works ...
[updated 11/01/2017] Please find the references of a few reviews of our exhibition Reset Modernity! below: Blanchfield, Caitlin. “The Avery Review | Reset, Modernity.” The Avery Review, October 7, 2016. http://averyreview.com/issues/18/reset-modernity. Blok, Anders, and ...
The Critical Media Lab is organizing a tour/workshop at the exhibition Reset Modernity!, currently on display at ZKM Karlsruhe. The workshop is led by Jamie Allen (IXDM), Paolo Patelli (designer and researcher, co-developer of the scenography of the show ...
Find the short description of the Field Book of our exhibition Reset Modernity! (and the full online pdf) below. The field book [pdf] is your companion throughout your visit. The path through the show is divided into six procedures, each ...
As the AIME workplace for the RM! catalog versioning shows digital humanities is paper+screen+Googledrive+chocolate. pic.twitter.com/ri9WnCD6rr— AIME (@AIMEproject) 18 mars 2016 We now have a new frenglish term at the AIME project: galleys gal ...
Fri, 15.04.2016 - Sat, 16.04.2016 Symposium Venue: ZKM Atrium 8 + 9, ZKM Atrium 1 + 2, ZKM_Cube Free entry Registration for Fri, April 15 is mandatory and limited to 150 persons. Please register by sending an ...