The Exhibition Reset Modernity! as the Fourth Medium in the AIME project
A few tweets written by Bruno Latour:
Reset Modernity! catalog at MIT is 1 way to rectify, contest, modify, enrich AIME report (the paper book) & the site adding a new experience
— AIME (@AIMEproject) 7 avril 2016
Each of the 4 medium (paper, site, encounters, exhibition) allows for a different entry into experimenting plurality of modes of existence.
— AIME (@AIMEproject) 7 avril 2016
The notion of mode of existence remains difficult to experience because we tend to use one mode (mostly Double Click) to register the others
— AIME (@AIMEproject) 7 avril 2016
Asking to prove the existence of God without specifying in which mode it is expected to exist makes no more sense than for gluons or cheese.
— AIME (@AIMEproject) 7 avril 2016
Politics follows a mode just as specific as scientific facts so that asking politics to be transparent or uplifting is a category mistake.
— AIME (@AIMEproject) 7 avril 2016
The reason why Reset Modernity! seems important is because the reset might allow to register a plurality of modes even for former Moderns.
— AIME (@AIMEproject) 7 avril 2016
And only then, following Viveiros de Castro's demands, it might be possible to explore what modes extramoderns collectives have extracted.
— AIME (@AIMEproject) 7 avril 2016