Dear Co-inquirers, Thank you for having taken the time to fill out our questionnaire dealing with your experience of the AIME project. We have already had quite a few replies and here’s what we’ve learned so far: the ...
Dear Co-inquirers, Thank you for having taken the time to fill out our questionnaire dealing with your experience of the AIME project. We have already had quite a few replies and here’s what we’ve learned so far: the ...
Blog It is now possible to directly access the Book and the Crossings from the home page. Note that you will need to be logged-in (you can register here). Contributions To improve the overall reading experience of the contributions, the ...
Dear Contributor, Your contributions are increasing in number and we would like to thank you for it. However, in order to make editing and reading easier for everybody, it has now become important to standardize how they are formatted. When ...
Dear readers and co-inquirers, As you have no doubt noticed, the whole inquiry project is based on the analysis of crossings, the unique way to document category mistakes that arise from given documents. However, until now, the provisional report, as ...
Further to your comments on the website, we are pleased to announce the updating of the inquiry interface. You will now be able to browse the contents more easily. As many of you complained about the shifting movements of the ...
The team presented the AIME project at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS), in Denmark. For more information please visit CBS website ("Bruno Latour and the AIME team visited the platform for a well-attended and successful public lecture"). Photos are also ...
Here is a graphical representation of the lifecycle of a contribution. We will be adding a more detailed explanation in the next few days. To be successful, the AIME project relies on your contributions. To this end, we have proposed ...
AIME Platform Tutorial 2: How to Bookmark/Contribute? from AIME team on Vimeo. You can have a look at the previous demo below to see the previous functionalities: how to navigate/switch from one language to another, etc. : AIME platform ...
Dear all, The new version of our platform with the fourth column ‘C’ for contributions has just been released. This is a space for you to publish critiques, additional considerations and/or complementary or alternative documentation based on your notes ...
AIME platform V O.5 Demo from Christophe Leclercq on Vimeo. Navigation All of the items on the platform are arranged into three columns: the column T (for text) containing the text of the book; the column V (for vocabulary ...
Dear all It has been two years now since the launch of AIME. During that time, we have achieved some of the project's major goals: we have published the book - the inquiry's provisional report - in two languages French ...
AIME screencast from medialab Sciences Po on Vimeo. ...
This blog has been set up help us prepare the inquiry. To assist us in this endeavour, you will find archives of the inquiry days, transcriptions from presentations, documents that we used as well as accounts of the sessions. You ...