Category Crossings: Bruno Latour and Medieval Modes of Existence “We Have Always Been Medieval”. It's comforting to see that a new publication making good use of the AIME project, comes from specialists of the Middle Age https://t ...
Category Crossings: Bruno Latour and Medieval Modes of Existence “We Have Always Been Medieval”. It's comforting to see that a new publication making good use of the AIME project, comes from specialists of the Middle Age https://t ...
As we frequently mentioned in the past, design and digital humanities are fundamental parts of the AIME project. We are very proud to be participating in the new issue of Visible Language (Volume 49. Issue 3. January 2016) with this ...
Entering its 6th year, the AIME team wishes all ils friends & co-inquirers a happy new year, & hope some of you attend the Reset! show 9-04.— AIME (@AIMEproject) 2 Janvier 2016 The AIME team will concentrate this year ...
FIC.POL: the genius of Pommerat's play on French revolution: restore ability to speak politically against assertion of moral standing— AIME (@AIMEproject) 11 Décembre 2015 FIC.POL: incredible that the artificiality of theater is able to ...
Encyclopédie de la parole / Joris Lacoste: Suite n°2 from herbst remixed on Vimeo. La meilleure exploration des prépositions d'EME peut s'entendre dans le splendide spectacle de 'l'Encyclopédie ...
The price is outrageous but the content ideal to follow the [LAW] mode: Kyle McGee edited volume The Passage of Law.— AIME (@AIMEproject) 21 Novembre 2015 13 essays explore Bruno Latour’s legal theory from ...
Bruno Latour participated to the Conference "How to think the Anthropocene? Anthropologists, philosophers and sociologists facing climate change" with a talk (in French) on "The notion of 'Critical Zones' and the Redefinition of Territories", the 6th of November, 2015, at ...
Photo : Mélodie Blaison, Espace Khiasma. Meeting with Bruno Latour, Didier Debaise and Alice Rivières on the crossing [MET·REF] at Khiasma, Les Lilas, France: Enquête sur les modes d’existence – une anthropologie des modernes (Investigation of modes ...
The French book Face à Gaia will be retranslated in English & published with Polity & it replaces the earlier text of the Gifford lectures.— AIME (@AIMEproject) 12 Septembre 2015 Caspar Friedrich's Great Enclosure used for the cover ...
Thomas Nyrup & Joachim Thomsen, who studied the AIME project as a fieldwork, successfully defended their report 'AIME - Perceptions and Experiences', on Thursday 28 August 2015 at 11am. They also uploaded their report to Please find below ...
Reinstituting Nature: A Latourian Workshop Didier Debaise, Pablo Jensen, M. Pierre Montebello, Nicolas Prignot, Isabelle Stengers and Aline Wiame Debaise: Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; Jensen: Institut des Systèmes Complexes, Université de Lyon, France ...
(Updated: 20 July 2015) This text corresponds to the full English version of the Specbook (version 3 / Sunday 27 July 2014) written (mostly in French) during the Diplomatic writing workshop, and given to the 'Chargés d'affaire' (Final Evaluation Conference ...
Please find below the abstracts of the last four contributions (or 'grievances'/'doléances' in French) written by the GECo before the Diplomatic Writing Week, which took place July 2014 at the École des Mines in Paris: Without institutions, the ...
We are posting two contribution (or 'grievances'/'doléances' in French) written by François Cooren before the Diplomatic Writing Week, which took place July 2014 at the École des Mines in Paris: The Canonic Example of Peter and Paul ...
The dangers of ‘arranging the modes’, another contribution written collectively by the members of GECo (Isabelle Stengers, Didier Debaise, Aline Wiame et Nicolas Prignot), during the Diplomatic Writing Week, (July 2014, École des Mines in Paris), on Conclusion Part Two ...
Find below a report written by Bruno Latour on the meeting on Carl Schmitt's Nomos of the Earth: AIME held a small, informal workshop connected with the simulation being organized at Sciences Po to offer an alternative to the COP21 ...
Today, we are posting another contribution (or 'grievances'/'doléances' in French) written collectively by the members of GECo (Isabelle Stengers, Didier Debaise, Aline Wiame et Nicolas Prignot), during the Diplomatic Writing Week, which took place July 2014 at the ...
Find below the beginning of the 'grievances' (or 'doléances'in French) composed during the Diplomatic Writing Week, which took place July 2014 at the École des Mines in Paris. Today, we are posting another one written collectively by the members ...
Still in the process of gradually publishing a number of the objections (or 'doléances'in French) composed during the Diplomatic Writing Week, which took place July 2014 at the École des Mines in Paris. Today, we are posting another one ...
We are in the process of gradually publishing a number of the objections (or 'doléances'in French) composed during the Diplomatic Writing Week, which took place July 2014 at the École des Mines in Paris. Today, we are posting one ...
Bachelor project - Field study at the AIME project By Joachim Thomsen & Thomas Nyrup IT University of Copenhagen We are two students from the IT University of Copenhagen, currently working on our final bachelor’s project in our undergraduate ...
A few tweets on Toulmin's Cosmopolis. The hidden Agenda of Modernity: Toulmin's Cosmopolis appeared same year as Wehaveneverbeen modern & is much radical since 1610 is the start of counter scientific revolution— AIME (@AIMEproject) 29 Mars 2015 ...
Article by Bruno Latour published in Le Monde (16 March 2015) on the anthropocene. The Challenge Issued to Civilization by the Anthropocene At the Musée du Quai-Branly we can admire the magnificent remnants of numerous cultures that are now ...
Please find below the video (in French) of Bruno Latour's lecture with the theatre Company AccenT at Musée du Quai Branly. External resources: Grandes conférences du Musée du Quai Branly La compagnie AccenT ...
Philip Conway’s article 'Back down to Earth: reassembling Latour’s Anthropocenic geopolitics' is now available in Global Discourses. Please find below the abstract (full text requires subscription): The principal intuition of this article is that Bruno Latour’s explicitly ...
Une récente contribution de Bruno Latour, accessible dans la plateforme au croisement [REF·POL] (dans la version française uniquement) Une intéressante expérience de débat sur comment 'écologiser' le Sénat à l'occasion d'une commission de ...
Please find below an interview with Bruno Latour by Laurent Godmer and David Smadja: "The Work of Bruno Latour: Exegetical Political Thinking." initially published in Raisons politiques 47.2/3 (2012): To try to understand the intellectual and scientific itinerary ...
'A metaphysical turn? Bruno Latour’s An Inquiry into Modes of Existence' by Patrice Maniglier just published in Radical Philosophy no 187 (Sept/Oct 2014) : A book bearing the title An Inquiry into Modes of Existence, but with the subtitle ...
Please find below the program of the event 'La révolution numérique et la gouvernance' (source: Révolution Numérique et Gouvernance - Bruno... par ixxilyon "La r ...
'On sociology of law, an alternative approach' keynote lecture by Bruno Latour at the International congress of Sociology of Law, Toulouse, September 2013. ...
An Inquiry into Modes of Existence: An Anthropology of the Moderns by Bruno Latour reviewed by Michael Norton, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, for the Interstitial: A Journal of Modern Culture and Events ...
In Iconoclash, Joseph Koerner showed that images of Christian tradition insist on an internal iconoclasm since the Christ figure is broken.— AIME (@AIMEproject) 24 Janvier 2015 When iconoclasts believe they can destroy a Christian icon, they only add an ...